When implementing electronic records management system in organization, a lot of things need to be considered. Whenever the records system is in place, the SOP is ready, the staffs are aware of and fully understand the operational and purpose of records system, the last thing to do is to use proper e-records management system. It is the platform by which transactions and the keeping of evidence are kept in th sytem using e-rms software.
The questions arise here;
What type of e-records software can be used?
What requirement need to be fulfilled first by the system@software before
How do the software works? What it can do and what it cannot do?
Does the software manage e-records according to proper records keeping system?
Does the software follows standard and requirement as well as fulfills legal and policy requirement of an agency?
These are among the factors that records professionals need to check and verify before PURCHASING any on shelf e-records system or self claimed records management sofware! More often than not, the use of the erms system and the purchase of any of it is based on self proclaimed vendor's promotion and claims! These are wrong basis for making decision to purchase and use any erms software. Another flop is that, does the organization do have records professional or the experts in ERMS to do the checking on the software or it just relies on its the so called IT experts to do it, thinking that its IT experts know everything?
ERMS software is not similar like any other software for use in an agency! The bottom line is that, agency@organization need to ensure the evidentiary records are kept properly, the transactions are recorded accordingly, while authetic and reliable e-records are maintained throughout its existence. What people in IT department or purchasing or administrative department normally do not realize is that, they tend to make decision to use and purchase erms system from totally wrong basis and get themselves misinformed and mislead by vendor's claims of their product@erms system.
No checking is made on the technical an operational requirement as well as records management requirement and standard are made at all. At the end the multi million ringgit of e-records system purchased is if no use at all when it comes to authentic permanent evidential value if records and transactions! What a waste investment!
Think about it!
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