
Welcome to my Weblog. This site is dedicated to my thoughts, views and understanding on anything that touches upon records management, archives management as well as information management in Malaysia. I believe in becoming a 'functional and meaningful' information professional, the term I refer to as person who can function in many ways possible for the betterment of this discipline. Interested parties, may reproduce or quote materials published with the condition that they are credited to Comments must be accompanied by names or pseudonyms. Anonymous postings and those containing profanities and obscenities will be rejected.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Knowledge asset is record....

Dear blog readers

Previously, I posted a discussion on the need of KM (Knowledge Management) for records received overwhelming comments and reads. Thanks for patiently reading my blog post...

I would like also to welcome positive comments from you people with regard to my postings. Please do so voluntarily.

Today, I am discussing on the other perspective of records...

Top management discusses and makes decision on specific issues relating to organizational works and problems. These decisions are taken and contain policies and critical information including the processes and justifications on why such and such decisions are made....

The justifications are reasons derived and made in response to specific problems occur within organizational settings. The purpose of these decisions made is to ensure organizational works and targets are achieved. Works can progress, projects and programs can run smoothly. 

To arrive to such decisions, there are processes undertaken. Information and reports are derived and verified, checking on the problems and issues are made which resulted in different results and feedback. These consequently create enormous amount of information which is meaningful and containing lesson learnt, best practices, past mistakes and could possibly created a repository of knowledge within organization.

The reports, feedback, justifications are all recorded and documented in such a way it can be referred back. These recordings require effective and efficient record keeping system. Once it is done, the records themselves are considered having value by itself that serve the purpose of the organization. These are all knowledge assets. Tapping these knowledge assets is critical for the success of KM implementation. 

Embarking KM without considering knowledge assets is useless. Recognizing  knowledge assets in organization are primary aspect in any KM initiatives. Employees could learn, unlearn and relearn of the decisions, impacts, feedback from previous initiatives as lesson learnt, best practices and past mistakes (that should not be repeated) while sharing it with others.

Ignoring efficient and effective records keeping system will lead to information disaster. Knowledge assets are difficult to recognize. Knowledge is then scattered everywhere. The rate of success for KM implementation is beyond achievable target. Actions and deliverable cannot be achieved without previous reference to information and knowledge. 

Hence, knowledge must be captured. The capturing process takes place in the form of recorded information and knowledge. It is then classified and categorized according to its specific subject and kept in the repository or knowledge portal in paper format or electronic format. This is called as explicit knowledge, a process by which knowledge is documented and recorded and conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge so that it useful, shareable and preserve for longer period of time. To encourage sharing and use, the records (knowledge assets/explicit knowledge) must be readily available to all and easily accessible through online portal.  

The above discussion indicates that, KM needs records more than records need KM. 

Ponder over these;

  1. How sharing could take place if the substance (knowledge and information) is not around?
  2. How organization could capitalize on its strength if they do not possess what they have (knowledge and information in recorded information)
  3. How organization could leverage on future and current knowledge if the past knowledge is not captured?

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Knowledge management without records....

Dear all...

I was invigilating masters student in information management yesterday. Though I did not teach them, I am pretty much close to the subject they were taking.......years back, I happened to be involved in the development of one of the subject, Knowledge Management. Yesterday the final examination subject is on Epistemology of Information Management. I looked through the questionnaire and have the chance of browsing through the whole set of questions. One of the question asked about the identification of the knowledge assets in the knowledge management (KM) implementation. 

I was intrigued by the question in the question paper while invigilating the students, my mind kept working......

Here is some input that I want to share with my blog readers....  

Image result for knowledge assets imagesTapping the knowledge which comprises of skills, experiences, methods and approaches, lesson learnt, mistakes and others requires information professionals to look at two distinct categories of source of knowledge in the form of tacit and explicit knowledge. The so called tacit knowledge can only be useful when it is converted to explicit knowledge and later readily available, can be derived and referred to by others. It is where the explicit knowledge may contains past decision makings or actions taken or reported development of a project or initiatives made by a team, organization or a department through different phases of development.

Tacit knowledge can be very much meaningful when it is transformed or converted and put into proper documentation, and recorded in any possible form. Through textual documentation, the tacit knowledge can now be referred to, lesson learnt can be derived as well by users, people or other team members working on a particular project or program.

The converted tacit knowledge is now residing in organizational database or knowledge portal or maybe recorded and kept in a file. It exists everywhere, referred to anytime by anybody necessarily.

These are records or an organization or a corporate memory of an institution.

Ironically, without records, tacit knowledge will be gone. It is literally not documented and resided in the mind of the people. Though useful, it is not meaningful.

The development of knowledge management depended heavily on the practices of information management which in particular the management of records in an organization. Institution embarking on knowledge management initiatives must look at the vast potential of records management as the source of explicit knowledge of an organization - corporate memory.

What happen if tacit knowledge is not captured? Not converted into recorded information? Not documented properly and kept in a central repository? Initially, organization will lose its huge potential of years of experience and high cost of investment in training cost, staffs involvement in critical projects, success stories, lesson learnt and past mistakes which can be avoidable if project teams took a lesson learnt from it.

Image result for knowledge assets imagesEffective records keeping or records management will help organization to leverage and capitalize on its own internal knowledge. Past actions would help decision/policy makers to make decision more effectively and efficiently. Mistakes and high risk of monetary or non monetary may be avoidable if project teams learn from the past actions derived from reports, previous project undertakings, decisions made.

Success stories could also be captured, shared and routed electronically when the stories are captured in whatever ways possible. New staffs or existing staffs could learn from the success stories which may inspire them to achieve organizational targets and objectives. Organization may also repeat the success or crafting better success or achieving higher objectives and targets. The lesson learnt from the failure or mistakes made in the course of initiating projects previously will secure organization from repeating the same mistake. This ensures higher success rates alternately reducing project losses financially.

Least to say, without records management which we can tap into knowledge assets, knowledge management would not working. KM success is highly dependable on the effective and efficient record keeping in organization. It is where the knowledge assets are derived from. Having proper documentation, recorded transactions, decisions makings, evidence of past actions and later classify it properly in a manner that it is easily retrievable and searchable using proper taxonomy will make knowledge assets more meaningful to organizations. (Please refer to SECI Model by Nonaka)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Understanding records management

Dear all readers

  1. Are you working now?
  2. Are you tasked with specific scope?
  3. Are you involved in audit process? Are you answerable to audit team?
  4. In your task, do you need to prepare report? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? Yearly?
  5. Do you need to refer to previous report for confirmation? 
  6. Do you know where are the record to refer to? 
  7. Which file? 
  8. Anyone holds that file? 
  9. Is the file missing? 
  10. Can you find the file?

The above are some of the questions for you to ask yourself from time to time in the course of performing your work. Should your answer is yes to some of the questions, it is time to look for records.

It is also time for you to look into current practices of record keeping if the answer is yes and no for question number 5-10.

Records are the last thing one would be thinking in work operation. Most of the time, it is ignored, it is not given due attention. This is a lackluster attitude among employees and top management (most of the cases). It is only needed most when there is an audit in progress or any cases as a result of litigation or judicial inquiry. In most cases, records is "managed" just enough. No serious undertakings from person in charge for proper record keeping. Records manager or records officer is consulted when only there is problem, otherwise, they are not.

Hence, record keeping is seen and deemed as 'supportive" to current operation. This state of ignorance results in record keeping as not due all the time.

Think about it.....

What is your role as record professionals to change such perceptions and views?
What could you do to make change?
How are you going to recognize that records is the backbone of any organizational operation?
How are you going to tell your top management of the critical role of proper records keeping?

Most important of all, how can you change the current perception that proper record keeping is considered secondary while the fact that everybody needs records rather than records need them. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

My organization is jammed....

Dear all...

One fine day, i received an email. Somebody who happened to be my former student sent me an email. The email stated like this;

Stacks of Veterans Affairs claim folders overtake a regional office in Winston-Salem, N.C. These photos were included in a 2012 report from the Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General. (Somewhere in USA not in Malaysia)

"Dear sir, How are you? I am now working with one academic institution at the northern state in Peninsular Malaysia. I am now in charge of the records in this organization. However though, I have an uphill task of managing all those paper records. Space is scarce and I have nowhere to store the records. Could you please shed some opinion on how I could go about it? Can I just dispose off all records so that I can save some space for other records? Or is there any modern equipment to be installed so that the current space can accommodate more? Please advise, thanks".....

I read through with amusement. I recalled last time when I was called for a talk by the same organization, and had a fruitful discussion with a few top persons in that organization, the problems had been resolved. During which I believe, at that time, my former student who sent me this email has yet worked there. The incident was much earlier then.

When receiving this email, now I realize that, those compounding problems are far from solved. It surprises me a bit. I could just imagine how much backlogs now then before. Surely they are struggling to keep all records. When asked previously, they said they do not have budget to have new space built for it or allocate for and even to engage offsite storage providers.

That is the problem now and before. I look at it as a disaster... a record disaster. Everything is jammed. Backlogs are there, and organization cannot operate efficiently and effectively. Everything seem to be slowing down...I mean the operation of organization. Access and reference is difficult to be done. I could just imagine, stack of records are everywhere in that organization. I think I read somewhere of similar problems somewhere. if I am not mistaken there is an interesting article named "MY ORGANIZATION IS JAMMED.....".

Hence, after sometime, and after giving some thoughts, I managed to reply the email. I said to him;

"In your situation, which I do really understand that it has been for sometime, and you are employed to deal and manage it. I understand your constrains. The space is there, it is full now. If you installed moving rack, similar problem will occur in near future. It is just temporary. What you can do now is....get your top management certain budget. It must be done, otherwise, the problems will still be there and haunting you. It is like a ghost....a nightmare to you, especially when you are tasked and entrusted to deal with it. You can dispose off the records after appraisal process, and prior to disposal, you could do digitization. All the records must be digitized. Once done, dispose off all records necessarily as well as preserve records deemed of having continuing value...I can guide on that.

When doing digitization, be careful, it is not mere have to prepare for the digitized materials to be stored digitally and that it could be accessed, referred to later. With that, you need some investment; peripherals, and software. You can use locally developed software by one local company, their software has received endorsement from the National Archive of Malaysia, and compliance with the functional requirement of electronic records management and MS2223 Part 1&2 as well as ISO 16175 and worry about it. Their software are also used in more than 31 government agencies as for now with more than 20,000 users in the Federal Government of Malaysia (as far as I am concerned).....for your information, I also use their software for teaching and learning purposes at my ERMS student are exposed to this electronic records management software when I teach them electronic records management subject...."

That is my answer to him. I gave him a contact number to that company so that he can make arrangement with them.

Soon after, I received a reply email from him; "Thank you sir....I am considering to use the software and to do digitization to the records at my holdings....please advise me on that later. I will keep in touch with you sir"

I believe my answer is such a relieve to him now. I hope his backlogs will soon disappear and the 'records disaster' will be gone. That is records.....if we ignore them now, later it will haunt us all. It must be managed right from the very beginning.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Jenayah siber dan kecurian maklumat dan rekod secara maya...BERNAMA Isnin 2 November



Membendung Kecurian Rekod Elektronik

Oleh Mohd Hisham Abdul Rafar

KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Okt (Bernama) -- Melindungi data dalam talian daripada sebarang ancaman keselamatan adalah satu tugas mencabar bagi kebanyakan organisasi, namun golongan pakar berpendapat bahawa pengurusan rekod dan maklumat yang efisyen boleh mencegah serta membendung kecurian rekod dan maklumat elektronik.

Sesebuah organisasi tidak boleh memandang remeh terhadap isu keselamatan siber, malah sepatutnya diperlengkap dengan pelan tindakan bencana yang merangkumi polisi keselamatan rekod elektronik bagi membendung berlakunya kecurian rekod, kata Dekan Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kampus Puncak Perdana, Prof Madya Dr Mohd Sazili Shahibi.

"Organisasi perlu membuat risikan awal terhadap ancaman-ancaman penjenayah siber dan menyediakan satu pelan tindakan efektif untuk melindungi data dan rekod elektronik. Kepakaran mereka yang mahir dalam teknologi maklumat amat diperlukan," katanya kepada Bernama.

Kepakaran profesional teknologi maklumat (IT) perlu bukan sahaja untuk melindungi rekod dan maklumat elektronik malah mereka mempunyai kesedaran dan kebertanggungjawaban yang tinggi mengenai keperluan melindungi rekod-rekod dan maklumat berkenaan.

Mengulas lanjut, beliau berkata pada masa kini, hampir semua organisasi banyak bergantung kepada maklumat secara elektronik, justeru cabaran menguruskannya adalah berbeza daripada cara konvensional yang digunakan pada masa lalu.


Pensyarah kanan fakulti sama, Alwi Mohd Yunus berkata sebarang kebocoran maklumat atau kecurian data boleh memberi kesan buruk kepada mana-mana syarikat, organisasi malah negara.

"Ia boleh menyebabkan berlakunya peras ugut dan pemerasan kewangan, kehilangan aset, penghinaan terbuka dan merosakkan kredibiliti," kata beliau dan menambah kata bahawa penjagaan rekod sulit adalah kritikal bagi mengelakkan berlakunya penipuan dan kecurian identiti atau maklumat.

Beliau berkata ancaman keselamatan siber boleh ditangani melalui peningkatan sistem kawalan akses fizikal dan logikal serta pengawasan yang berterusan.

Menurut seorang lagi pensyarah kanan di fakulti sama, Dr Azman Mat Isa, satu daripada cabaran terbesar yang dihadapi organisasi adalah memastikan tidak berlaku pertindihan rekod-rekod dalam talian.

"Hakikatnya, pemalsuan dokumen atau rekod elektronik boleh dilakukan oleh pakar teknologi maklumat dengan menggunakan teknologi sofistikated. Justeru, keadaan ini memberi cabaran hebat dalam menentukan ketulenannya," katanya kepada Bernama.

Nombor fail sahaja, kata beliau tidak memberi jaminan ketulenan sesuatu rekod memandangkan kecanggihan perisian dan perkakasan teknologi maklumat hari ini mampu menghasilkan dokumen yang sama dengan dokumen asli.

Namun, ketulenan dokumen atau rekod elektronik sama ada dalam talian dan perisian elektronik boleh dipastikan melalui metadata iaitu dengan menilai data yang tersirat di sebalik dokumen atau rekod elektronik.

"Metadata meliputi nama orang yang menghasilkan atau komputer yang digunakan, tarikh dan masa dokumen atau rekod berkenaan dihasilkan. Data ini dicerap secara automatik oleh sistem komputer," jelas beliau.


Sementara itu, Mohd Sazili juga mengingatkan bahawa organisasi-organisasi perlu mengamalkan aspek-aspek pengurusan rekod dan maklumat sebenar, kerana akses terhadap rekod-rekod elektronik tidak boleh diberi sewenang-wenangnya kepada semua petugas.

Tegas beliau, kecurian rekod dan maklumat elektronik boleh berlaku bukan sahaja daripada tindakan sabotaj pihak luar, sebaliknya berpunca daripada pihak dalaman organisasi sendiri.

"Sepatutnya hanya individu-individu tertentu sahaja yang diberikan akses penuh terhadap rekod-rekod elektronik," kata beliau.

Mohd Sazili menasihatkan pihak organisasi agar selalu membuat penilaian risiko bagi rekod-rekod elektronik dari semasa ke semasa sebagai langkah persediaan menghadapi sebarang ancaman elektronik.

"Kita perlu ingat bahawa risiko terhadap rekod elektronik ini sentiasa berubah-ubah mengikut keadaan semasa.

Pada 2 Okt lepas, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Nancy Shukri dilaporkan berkata bahawa kerajaan sedang menimbang untuk memperketatkan lagi undang-undang siber sedia ada berikutan terdapatnya tindakan-tindakan membabitkan jenayah siber yang menjadi-jadi ketika ini sehingga boleh menjejaskan keselamatan negara.


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berita melalui perkhidmatan 
Newswire .

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pengurusan rekod dalam perspektif penubuhan Jawatankuasa Konsultatif Nasional Mengenai Pembiayaan Politik

Artikel terbitan BERNAMA

Input oleh: Alwi Mohd Yunus

Perdana Menteri Malaysia baru baru ini telah mengumumkan penubuhan Jawatankuasa Konsultatif Nasional Mengenai Pembiayaan Politik (JKNMPP) untuk merangka satu pelan pembiayaan politik berintegriti yang komprehensif dan inklusif, khususnya untuk menentukan proses konsultatif di semua peringkat dan mengambil kira pandangan semua pihak.

Penubuhan ini sebahagian dari inisiatif agenda Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) dan NKRA untuk mewujudkan tadbir urus dan mekanisme semak dan imbang.

Dari sudut pandangan yang berbeza, hakikatnya, penubuhan JKNMPP memerlukan setiap parti politik untuk mempunyai rekod lengkap berkenaan dengan dana sumbangan parti politik yang diterima dari pelbagai pihak. Rekod lengkap inilah yang menjadi sumber penting kepada mekanisme tadbir urus serta semak imbang sumbangan dana politik. Tanpa rekod sebagai bukti yang tentunya menjadi tanggungjawab setiap parti politik untuk bersedia diperiksa atau melaporkan dana politik yang diterima, tentunya sukar bagi JKNMPP untuk berfungsi dengan berkesan.

Ada beberapa isu, antaranya ialah, adakah setiap parti politik mempunyai sistem pengurusan rekod yang mencatatkan setiap transaksi berkaitan dengan dana politik yang diterima. Adakah dokumen dan rekod berkaitan disimpan? Adakah ada peruntukan undang undang atau akta sedia yang menyatakan bahawa setiap parti politik perlu menyerahkan laporan berkaitan dana politik yang diterima berdasarkan rekod sebagai bukti? Jika ada, bagaimana proses itu dilaksanakan dan apakah proses pertanggungjawaban itu dilaksanakan?

Persoalan isu isu yang dinyatakan akan memberi kesan bagaimana JKNMPP ini nanti akan berfungsi. Adakah ianya lebih kepada pemantauan? Atau penguatkuasaan semata mata? Jika ia sebagai mekanisme pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan, bagaimana pula bentuk pengoperasian mekanisme pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan tersebut akan dilaksanakan. Tentunya akan wujud pertikaian berkenaan dengan had maksima dana atau had minima dana atau mungkin tiada had langsung terhadap apa yang dinamakan sebagai dana politik? Pertikaian juga akan wujud dari segi untuk membezakan pengoperasian makna dana politik dan bukan dana politik.

Apapun, dari sudut perlaksanaannya nanti, kedudukan pengurusan rekod yang terjamin menjadi teras penting dalam pengoperasian pembiyaan politik yang dikenal sebagai dana politik ini. Ia berkait dengan rekod transaksi keluar masuk wang, rekod perbankan, rekod kewangan parti parti politik yang terlibat. Rekod rekod ini tertakluk kepada akta dan peruntukan sedia ada di negara ini. Parti parti politik perlu mematuhi akta berkaitan pengurusan rekod yang baik dan berkesan bagi menjamin keberkesanan perlaksanaan tadbir urus serta mekanisme semak dan imbang.

Walaubagaimanapun, pengurusan rekod yang cekap dan berkesan akan memastikan sistem tadbir urus parti parti politik berkaitan pembiayaan dana politik dapat dipantau disemak dan diambil tindakan jika berlaku salah laku atau pengaliran wang dalam jumlah yang besar dengan mengejut dan tiba tiba. Mekanisme pengurusan rekod ini akan mencatatkan segala bentuk transaksi, menjadi bukti bahawa setiap transaksi adalah mengikut saluran yang dibenarkan didalam peruntukan undang undang di negara ini. Ini juga dapat memastikan bahawa tiada wujud penyaluran dana asing yang mungkin dari sumber dana yang tidak sah.

Pemantauan oleh JKNMPP dapat juga dilakukan bersama agensi agensi berkaitan berkenaan tadbir urus kewangan dengan merujuk kepada rekod rekod kewangan berkaitan pembiayaan dana politik. Ini bermaksud bahawa setiap transaksi kewangan akan menghasilkan rekod kewangan. Rekod rekod ini perlu disimpan, disemak, di audit dan diambil tindakan jika berlaku unsur unsur penyelewengan samada dalam proses penyaluran dana politik dari luar negara mahupun dalam negara. Ia secara langsung akan dapat mengekang penyalahgunaan dana untuk kepentingan peribadi atau tujuan tujuan seperti membiayai aktiviti keganasan di negara ini.

Melalui pengurusan rekod yang cekap dan berkesan, parti parti politik akan lebih menjadi bertanggungjawab terhadap dana politik yang diterima lantas mewujudkan suasana berpolitik yang lebih telus dan profesional. Rakyat amnya dan ahli parti politik akan dapat mengetahui kemana dana politik diperolehi, disalurkan dan diguna lantas mewujudkan tadbir urus kewangan yang lebih telus. Sistem semak dan imbang akan dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan dalam konteks ini. Kebimbangan paling besar jika tiada mekanisme semak dan imbang melalui pengurusan rekod samada rekod parti politik terbabit atau rekod kewangan mana mana organisasi politik sekalipun ialah kemungkinan berlakunya penyaluran dana ke atas aktiviti keganasan atau penyaluran ke pihak ketiga iaitu kumpulan pengganas. Ia belum berlaku akan tetapi tidak mustahil ia boleh berlaku di masa akan datang.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Selling your records...

Dear all.......

Do we sell our records?

Can we sell our records?

Is it allowable?

What are the implication if records are sold?

As a matter of fact, by law, we cannot sell our records but we can sell the records services, the lesson learnt and the story that is derived from the records once the records become archive  whilst it is already declassified.

Records is evidence of transaction, occurred in the course of business transactions in an organization (govt or private organization) and may contain valuable information which LATER is a history of a nation and country's development. Such connotes why records is not allowed to be sold.

How do we sell records?

We don't sell records at all. We can sell off records (papers for recycle) if they are considered "Disposed off permanently" and it requires thorough evaluation and verification prior to that. What we do commonly is selling the STORY derived from the records. The process is done by selling books and stories which authors refer to (archive)-records available at National Archive. This is done specifically to write the historical development of a country, organization, person and events by referring to primary sources of material - ARCHIVES (records). Without evidence and proof of an event, story could not be verified and information could not be told and written.

"As a matter of fact, we do not sell records, we sell the story out of them"