Typical work activities of Records Managers/Officers
Tasks typically involve:
§ storing,
arranging, indexing and classifying records;
§ facilitating
the development of filing systems, and maintaining these to meet
administrative, legal, and financial requirements;
§ devising
and ensuring the implementation of retention and disposal schedules;
§ overseeing
the management of electronic and/or paper-based information;
§ setting
up, maintaining, reviewing, and documenting records systems;
§ identifying
the most appropriate records management resources;
§ advising
on and implementing new records management policies and classification systems;
§ providing
a policy framework to guide staff in the management of their records and use of
the employer's records system;
§ ensuring
compliance with relevant legislation and regulations;
§ standardising
information sources throughout an organisation or group of organisations;
§ managing
the changeover from paper to electronic records management systems;
§ preserving
corporate memory and heritage;
§ resolving
problems with information management by effective use of software and other
information management resources;
§ enabling
appropriate access to information;
§ responding
to internal and/or external information enquiries;
§ advising
on highly complex legal and regulatory issues, often involving difficult
judgments in controversial areas such as the Freedom of Information Act, and
other national or regional legislation;
§ managing
and monitoring budgets and resources;
§ training
and supervising records staff;
§ advising
staff in other departments on the management of their records and information.